

Can Ducks Eat Arugula?

Ducks likely won’t enjoy arugula and it’s not recommended to feed it to them. Despite arugula’s lower oxalic acid levels compared to spinach, it’s best to avoid it entirely to … Read more


Can Ducks Eat Thyme?

Yes, ducks can enjoy thyme as part of their diet. These omnivores are naturally inclined to forage for greens, and thyme fits the bill perfectly. While thyme is safe for … Read more


Can Ducks Eat Grass?

Ducks can grass and it’s even beneficial for their health. Grass is packed with all sorts of essential nutrients and minerals!


Can Ducks Eat Mint?

It’s important to consider the safety and nutritional value before introducing mint to your ducks.


Can Ducks Eat Petunias?

Find out if it’s safe for ducks to eat petunias and learn about the nutritional value and potential risks and benefits of feeding them to ducks.


Can Ducks Eat Ginger?

Ginger has some potential nutritional benefits for ducks, but it is important to consider the potential drawbacks.


Can Ducks Eat Rosemary?

Ducks can eat rosemary, but given that this plant has a pretty intense flavor, there is a slight chance that some of your ducks won’t like it.


Can Ducks Eat Dandelions?

Ducks can and will eat dandelions with excitement. However, if your backyard has been treated with chemicals, don’t let ducks free around.


Can Ducks Eat Parsley?

With this green treat, you don’t need to worry. Ducks can eat parsley, and they will enjoy chopping this highly nutritious green herb.