

Can Ducks Eat Citrus?

No, it’s best to avoid giving ducks citrus fruits like oranges, lemons, and grapefruits. There are two main reasons for this: If you’d like to give ducks a tasty treat, … Read more


Can Ducks Eat Melon? 🍈

Yes, ducks can eat melon. Melons such as watermelon, cantaloupe, and honeydew are safe for ducks to consume in moderation. To ensure they eat comfortably, I always cut the melon … Read more


Can Ducks Eat Figs? 🦆

Yes, ducks can eat figs! In fact, they find ripe figs that have fallen to the ground to be a tasty treat. Their omnivorous diet allows them to enjoy a … Read more


Can Ducks Eat Nectarines?

Absolutely, ducks can enjoy nectarines as part of a balanced diet! These juicy fruits, like peaches, plums, and cherries, can be a fun and tasty addition to your duck’s menu. … Read more

Fruits clementines on table

Can Ducks Eat Clementines?

It is not advisable to feed ducks clementines, as these citrus fruits can hinder calcium absorption, resulting in the production of eggs with thin shells. Here’s why citrus fruits in … Read more


Can Duck Eat Pears?

Pears can be a tasty and nutritious option for ducks when fed in moderation and as part of a balanced diet.