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Mealworms are tiny larvae that are a popular feed choice for many animals, including reptiles, rodents, and other birds.

Since it is common to feed mealworms to so many animals, you may be wondering, do ducks eat mealworms?

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Well, let’s find out!

Can Your Ducks Make a Meal Out of Mealworms?

Yes! Ducks can eat mealworms.

These worms don’t have any tough skin, spiky legs, or teeth, so they’re safe for your ducks to consume.

And they’re nutritious and packed with protein, so adding these little guys to your ducks’ meal plan can be beneficial.

However, you want to make sure you’re giving mealworms to your ducks in moderation. Read on to learn more about incorporating mealworms into your ducks’ diet.

Nutritional Benefits

Mealworms contain tons of essential nutrients like protein, fiber, fats, and vitamins. Ducks need all these nutrients daily to stay healthy and strong.

The protein in mealworms improves muscle development in your ducks, while fiber aids in their digestion. Mealworms are a rich source of vitamin D, and this helps laying ducks produce healthy and strong eggs.

Although, eating too many mealworms can be bad for your ducks, as these worms have a very high protein and fat content – both of which can negatively impact your ducks’ health. This is why you should only feed your ducks a small number of mealworms each week.  

How to Feed Mealworms to Ducks

Mealworms can be fed to your ducks as live feed, or you can feed freeze-dried mealworms to your ducks.

If you plan to use live mealworms, you can toss the worms on the ground and allow the ducks to forage on their own. Keep in mind that live mealworms are typically more expensive and can be challenging to store.

You can feed dried worms to your ducks as you would if they were alive or add them to the food bowls.

Dried mealworms are easier to store, have a longer shelf life, are more affordable, and can easily be found at local pet centers or chain stores.

How Often Should I Feed Mealworms to Ducks?

You can feed about five mealworms to your ducks at a time, doing so only once a week.

If you feed mealworms to your ducks more often than that, they may end up having too much protein and can suffer from “angel wings.”

Angel wing is a condition in which the feathers of the wings twist up and point away from the body. This can affect your duck’s ability to fly and its overall health.

Can Baby Ducks Eat Mealworms?

No, ducklings should not be fed mealworms!

These worms can get stuck in a baby duck’s throat, so make sure not to give your ducklings any live or dried mealworms.

And be cautious when feeding mealworms to any adult ducks you have. Keep a close eye on your ducklings during this time to ensure they don’t get ahold of any worms.

You can add mealworms into a duckling’s diet once they are 2-4 weeks old.

In Conclusion

So, there you have it!

Ducks can eat mealworms, although make sure to offer them only in moderation. Avoid giving mealworms to ducklings until they’re at least 2-4 weeks old, and you can feed your ducks live or dried worms.

Until next time, happy feeding!