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Yes, ducks can eat leaves! They are omnivores, but with a lean towards the herbivore side.

Leaves are a natural part of their diet and offer them a variety of benefits.

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However, there are some things to keep in mind:

  • Not all leaves are safe. Some plants are toxic to ducks, so it’s important to be aware of what kind of leaves are around before letting ducks graze freely.
  • Ducks prefer other foods. While ducks will eat leaves, they typically go for more nutritious options first, like worms, insects, and aquatic plants. Leaves are a lower source of nutrition for them.

If you have ducks and notice them spending a lot of time munching on leaves, it could be a sign they’re feeling a bit hungry.

Here are some tips to provide a healthy diet for your ducks:

  • Commercial Duck Feed: This should be the foundation of their diet. Choose a good quality, age-appropriate feed specifically formulated for ducks. Look for options labelled “layer” or “breeder” for adult ducks, and chick starter for ducklings. These feeds are balanced to provide all the essential nutrients ducks need.
  • Supplements: While commercial feed is vital, some chopped vegetables and fruits can be offered as a healthy supplement. Good options include chopped lettuce, kale, zucchini, peas, corn (not canned), and chopped, non-citrus fruits. Avoid avocado, onions, and citrus fruits as these can be harmful to ducks.
  • Quantity Matters: Limit these supplements to about 20% of their overall diet. The majority (around 80%) should still come from their commercial feed.
  • Grazing: Having a safe, duck-friendly area with access to weeds, herbs, and clover can be a great way for them to forage for some natural greens. Just make sure there are no toxic plants in the area.
  • Don’t forget the grit! Ducks need grit, which are small pebbles, to help grind up their food. You can find commercially prepared grit at most pet stores that sell poultry supplies.
  • Fresh, Clean Water: Always provide a clean, shallow dish of fresh water for your ducks. They’ll use this for drinking and cleaning their food.

If you have any questions or concerns about your ducks’ specific dietary needs, always consult with a veterinarian for personalized advice.