
Other salty crackers black plate on a table

Can Ducks Eat Crackers?

In this article, we will discuss the dangers of feeding ducks crackers and why they should be avoided. We will also explore some healthy alternative treats that can be offered … Read more

Other cheese black plate

Can Ducks Eat Cheese?

Okay, so here’s the deal with ducks and cheese: they can definitely nosh on a little bit of it as a special treat. But keep in mind, cheese is high … Read more


Can Ducks Eat Cicadas?

Yes, ducks can definitely eat cicadas! In fact, cicadas can be a natural and nutritious food source for them. Ducks, being omnivores, naturally forage for a variety of foods, and … Read more


Can Ducks Eat Oyster Shells?

Yes, ducks can eat oyster shells, and in fact, oyster shells can be a beneficial supplement for them, especially for laying ducks. Oyster shells are a great source of calcium, … Read more


Can Ducks Eat Frogs?

Ducks can definitely munch on frogs! They’re omnivores, meaning they eat both plants and animals. In the wild, their diet adjusts to their environment. In their natural wetland habitat, frogs, … Read more


Can Ducks Eat Pretzels?

Ducks should not eat pretzels. While they may nibble on them if offered, pretzels lack the essential nutrients ducks need for a healthy diet. Here’s why I say that: So, … Read more

Other uncooked spaghetti glass bowl

Can Ducks Eat Spaghetti?

Yes, ducks can eat cooked spaghetti in moderation. In fact, whole-grain, cooked pasta is a good treat option for them. Just keep in mind these tips to make sure your … Read more


Can Ducks Eat Snails?

Yes, ducks definitely have a penchant for snails! In fact, they’re considered nature’s own pesticide when it comes to snail and slug control. Certain breeds, like Khaki Campbells and Indian … Read more


Can Ducks Eat Ice Cream?

No, ducks should definitely not be given ice cream. Their digestive system isn’t equipped to handle the two main components of ice cream: dairy and sugar. While a curious duck … Read more